DKE Holding Co., Ltd. > 【Ledger×DKE】The hardware wallet with curved electronic paper touch display Ledger Stax is officially released!

【Ledger×DKE】The hardware wallet with curved electronic paper touch display Ledger Stax is officially released!

30 5 月, 2024

On May 28,Ledger,a leading French hardware crypto wallet manufacturer,officially launched the world’s first curved electronic paper touch display hardware crypto wallet Ledger Stax,built with Organic Thin Film Transistor(OTFT).


Ledger Stax is unique in that it uses the world’s first curved OTFT display screen,builds E Ink e-paper coating on a plastic substrate,and creates a bendable,non-breakable e-paper display with touch function.
Compared with traditional glass substrates,the OTFT process temperature is reduced from 350°C to below 100°C,significantly reducing energy consumption.This means that the Ledger Stax Wallet e-paper display has the benefit of extremely low power consumption and can remain steady on,allowing users to see their cryptocurrency balance directly on the wallet without the need to connect an additional device.
Ledger Stax,which is the size of a credit card,securely stores your cryptocurrency assets,is extremely energy efficient,and combines touch screens with security elements to ensure safe and convenient use of the device.
The curved flexible e-paper display carried by Ledger Stax comes from DKE Oriental Pulse,and the commercial application of flexible e-paper will also bring a better use experience to users around the world.Since the establishment of the flexible e-paper R&D team,DKE has been committed to extensive and in-depth technical research and innovation in the key technology fields of flexible e-paper,and has joined hands with e-paper industry partners to use their respective technology,manufacturing and market advantages to jointly develop and expand the flexible e-paper display technology in the relevant applications of various Internet of Things intelligent products,so as to achieve green development.Bring more new changes and new experiences to the smart life of users around the world.



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